Digital energy-saving hero

Intelligent and efficient energy optimization of residential buildings.

With termios.Pro, the joint venture of LEG, Oventrop and mantro has developed a smart thermostat with hydraulic balancing for the housing industry.

In March 2023, LEG, together with the business developer mantro and the Sauerland family-owned company Oventrop, founded the joint venture termios to develop green solutions around heating and sustainability / ESG for residential properties. 

The first solution produced in germany is called termios.Pro and regulates the hydraulic balance of the heating system automatically for each individual radiator.

It also saves additional heating costs based on intelligent and demand-driven temperature control. The total energy saving is up to 30 percent. Unlike the manual method, no design has to be calculated in advance and no presettings have to be made on the radiator valve. Once installed on the radiator, the digital thermostats control the hydraulic balancing automatically, reliably and permanantly after a short learning phase.

termios magazin

Background information on the regulatory framework for ESG and climate protection, best practices for implementing effective measures and product updates for the smart thermostat:

termios magazin

The most important facts in brief

Key product data

  • Green: "" system enables automated hydraulic balancing and up to 30% energy savings
  • Digital: System combines unique thermostat with modern, central cloud platform
  • Legally compliant: Practical and scalable solution for implementing regulatory requirements (EnSiMiMav), GEG §60c and BEG paragraph 3
  • Economical and socially responsible: Landlords and tenants jointly benefit from the very good ratio of CO2-reduction and energy cost reduction per invested euro
  • Customer-oriented: Designed for use in multi-family rental buildings - installation pays off for both landlords and tenants

Dr. Mirko Ebbers | Matthias Kramer | Markus Ortmann | Stephan Thoenissen

Voices about termios.Pro

Dr. Volker Wiegel, COO of LEG Immobilien SE

"The challenges facing the real estate industry ­in the area of sustainability are immense ..."

Dr. Volker Wiegel, COO of LEG Immobilien SE

"The challenges facing the real estate industry ­in the area of sustainability are immense ..."

"The challenges facing the real estate industry in the area of sustainability are immense and, in our view, can only be successfully overcome by working together with bundled expertise."

Johannes Rump, CEO of Oventrop

"With we create the cheapest, fastest deployable and most scalable solution for hydraulic balancing ..."

Johannes Rump, CEO of Oventrop

"With we create the cheapest, fastest deployable and most scalable solution for hydraulic balancing ..."

"With we create the cheapest, fastest applicable and most scalable solution for hydraulic balancing in the real estate industry. With it, we ensure optimal heat distribution and significant CO2-savings."

Manfred Tropper, CEO of mantro

"... the investment in this technology pays off immediately from the moment of installation: for landlords and tenants."

Manfred Tropper, CEO of mantro

"... the investment in this technology pays off immediately from the moment of installation: for landlords and tenants."

"A solution like this is not available on the market in anything remotely comparable, neither in terms of hardware nor in terms of its software. It is designed for professional use in multi-family rental buildings and can be used globally in all water-based systems - the investment in this technology pays off immediately from installation: for landlords and tenants."

Mona Neubaur, Minister of Economy, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy and Deputy Prime Minister

"... have succeeded in pooling their know-how and thus developing an efficient and forward-looking solution."

Mona Neubaur, Minister of Economy, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy and Deputy Prime Minister

"... have succeeded in pooling their know-how and thus developing an efficient and forward-looking solution."

"The companies involved have succeeded in pooling their know-how and thus developing an efficient and forward-looking solution. This shows how the inventive spirit and innovative strength in North Rhine-Westphalia can help reduce our CO2-emissions effectively and in the short term."

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